Run Commands

pachctl debug profile

Learn about the pachctl debug profile command

pachctl debug profile #

Collect a set of pprof profiles.

Synopsis #

This command collects a set of pprof profiles. Options include heap (memory), CPU, block, mutex, and goroutine profiles.

pachctl debug profile <profile> <file> [flags]

Examples #

 pachctl debug profile cpu cpu.tgz 
 pachctl debug profile heap heap.tgz 
 pachctl debug profile goroutine goroutine.tgz 
 pachctl debug profile goroutine --pachd goroutine.tgz 
 pachctl debug profile cpu --pachd -d 30s cpu.tgz 
 pachctl debug profile cpu --pipeline foo -d 30s foo-pipeline.tgz 
 pachctl debug profile cpu --worker foo-v1-r6pdq -d 30s worker.tgz 

Options #

  -d, --duration duration   Specify a duration for compiling a CPU profile. (default 1m0s)
  -h, --help                help for profile
      --pachd               Collect only pachd's profile.
  -p, --pipeline string     Collect only a specific pipeline's profile from the worker pods.
  -w, --worker string       Collect only the profile of a given worker pod.

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --no-color   Turn off colors.
  -v, --verbose    Output verbose logs