Run Commands

pachctl auth deactivate

Learn about the pachctl auth deactivate command

pachctl auth deactivate #

Delete all ACLs, tokens, admins, IDP integrations and OIDC clients, and deactivate Pachyderm auth

Synopsis #

This command deactivates Pachyderm’s auth and identity systems, which exposes data to everyone on the network. Use with caution.

pachctl auth deactivate [flags]

Examples #

 pachctl auth deactivate 
 pachctl auth deactivate --enterprise

Options #

      --enterprise   Deactivate auth on the active enterprise context.
  -h, --help         help for deactivate

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --no-color   Turn off colors.
  -v, --verbose    Output verbose logs


  • pachctl auth - Auth commands manage access to data in a Pachyderm cluster