Module pachyderm_sdk.api.pfs.file

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import os
import tarfile
from io import RawIOBase
from typing import BinaryIO, Iterator, TYPE_CHECKING

    from _typeshed import WriteableBuffer

import grpc
from betterproto import BytesValue

class PFSTarFile(tarfile.TarFile):
    """Wrapper to allow reading a TAR file from PFS.

    See the tarfile.TarFile class for more information on the supported methods.

    def __iter__(self):
        for tarinfo in super().__iter__():
            if os.path.isabs(tarinfo.path):
                # Hack to prevent extraction to absolute paths.
                tarinfo.path = tarinfo.path[1:]
            if tarinfo.mode == 0:
                # Hack to prevent writing files with no permissions.
                tarinfo.mode = 0o700
            yield tarinfo

class PFSFile(RawIOBase, BinaryIO):
    """File-like objects containing content of a file stored in PFS.

    The data is read from an open gRPC stream, any connection error will close the file.

    The following links wer instrumental to understanding how to implement a pythonic
    file object:

    >>> # client.pfs.pfs_file() returns a PFSFile
    >>> import shutil
    >>> from pachyderm_sdk import Client
    >>> from pachyderm_sdk.api import pfs
    >>> client: Client
    >>> file = pfs.File.from_uri("montage@master:/montage.png")
    >>> source_file = client.pfs.pfs_file(file=file)
    >>> with open("montage.png", "wb") as dest_file:
    >>>     shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, dest_file)
    >>> with client.pfs.pfs_file(file=file) as pfs_file:
    >>>     contents =

    def __init__(self, stream: Iterator[BytesValue]):
        self._stream = stream
        self._buffer = bytearray()

        except grpc.RpcError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "Error instantiating PFSFile -- see triggering exception"
            ) from err

    def __enter__(self) -> "PFSFile":
        return self

    def readinto(self, buffer: "WriteableBuffer") -> int:
        """Read bytes into a pre-allocated writeable buffer.

        Returns an int representing the number of bytes read.

        Note: This method is the only method that needs to be implemented in order
          to support the read(), readall(), readline(), etc. methods.
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
        size = len(buffer)
        if len(self._buffer) < size:
                for message in self._stream:
                    if len(self._buffer) >= size:
            except grpc.RpcError as err:
                raise err

        size = min(size, len(self._buffer))
        buffer[:size], self._buffer[:size] = self._buffer[:size], b""
        return size

    def peek(self, size: int = 0) -> bytes:
        """Returns bytes from the stream without advancing the read position.
        At most one single read on the raw stream is done to satisfy the call.
        The number of bytes returned may be less than requested."""
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
        if len(self._buffer) == 0:
                message = next(self._stream)
            except grpc.RpcError as err:
                raise err
            except StopIteration:
                return b""
            self._buffer[:] = message.value
        return bytes(self._buffer[:size])

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Closes the PFSFile and cancels the gRPC stream."""
        if hasattr(self, "_stream"):
            del self._stream

    def readable(self) -> bool:
        return not self.closed


class PFSTarFile (name=None, mode='r', fileobj=None, format=None, tarinfo=None, dereference=None, ignore_zeros=None, encoding=None, errors='surrogateescape', pax_headers=None, debug=None, errorlevel=None, copybufsize=None)

Wrapper to allow reading a TAR file from PFS.

See the tarfile.TarFile class for more information on the supported methods.

Open an (uncompressed) tar archive name'.mode' is either 'r' to read from an existing archive, 'a' to append data to an existing file or 'w' to create a new file overwriting an existing one. mode' defaults to 'r'. Iffileobj' is given, it is used for reading or writing data. If it can be determined, mode' is overridden byfileobj's mode. `fileobj' is not closed, when TarFile is closed.

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class PFSTarFile(tarfile.TarFile):
    """Wrapper to allow reading a TAR file from PFS.

    See the tarfile.TarFile class for more information on the supported methods.

    def __iter__(self):
        for tarinfo in super().__iter__():
            if os.path.isabs(tarinfo.path):
                # Hack to prevent extraction to absolute paths.
                tarinfo.path = tarinfo.path[1:]
            if tarinfo.mode == 0:
                # Hack to prevent writing files with no permissions.
                tarinfo.mode = 0o700
            yield tarinfo


  • tarfile.TarFile
class PFSFile (stream: Iterator[])

File-like objects containing content of a file stored in PFS.

The data is read from an open gRPC stream, any connection error will close the file.


The following links wer instrumental to understanding how to implement a pythonic file object: * *


>>> # client.pfs.pfs_file() returns a PFSFile
>>> import shutil
>>> from pachyderm_sdk import Client
>>> from pachyderm_sdk.api import pfs
>>> client: Client
>>> file = pfs.File.from_uri("montage@master:/montage.png")
>>> source_file = client.pfs.pfs_file(file=file)
>>> with open("montage.png", "wb") as dest_file:
>>>     shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, dest_file)
>>> with client.pfs.pfs_file(file=file) as pfs_file:
>>>     contents =
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class PFSFile(RawIOBase, BinaryIO):
    """File-like objects containing content of a file stored in PFS.

    The data is read from an open gRPC stream, any connection error will close the file.

    The following links wer instrumental to understanding how to implement a pythonic
    file object:

    >>> # client.pfs.pfs_file() returns a PFSFile
    >>> import shutil
    >>> from pachyderm_sdk import Client
    >>> from pachyderm_sdk.api import pfs
    >>> client: Client
    >>> file = pfs.File.from_uri("montage@master:/montage.png")
    >>> source_file = client.pfs.pfs_file(file=file)
    >>> with open("montage.png", "wb") as dest_file:
    >>>     shutil.copyfileobj(source_file, dest_file)
    >>> with client.pfs.pfs_file(file=file) as pfs_file:
    >>>     contents =

    def __init__(self, stream: Iterator[BytesValue]):
        self._stream = stream
        self._buffer = bytearray()

        except grpc.RpcError as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "Error instantiating PFSFile -- see triggering exception"
            ) from err

    def __enter__(self) -> "PFSFile":
        return self

    def readinto(self, buffer: "WriteableBuffer") -> int:
        """Read bytes into a pre-allocated writeable buffer.

        Returns an int representing the number of bytes read.

        Note: This method is the only method that needs to be implemented in order
          to support the read(), readall(), readline(), etc. methods.
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
        size = len(buffer)
        if len(self._buffer) < size:
                for message in self._stream:
                    if len(self._buffer) >= size:
            except grpc.RpcError as err:
                raise err

        size = min(size, len(self._buffer))
        buffer[:size], self._buffer[:size] = self._buffer[:size], b""
        return size

    def peek(self, size: int = 0) -> bytes:
        """Returns bytes from the stream without advancing the read position.
        At most one single read on the raw stream is done to satisfy the call.
        The number of bytes returned may be less than requested."""
        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
        if len(self._buffer) == 0:
                message = next(self._stream)
            except grpc.RpcError as err:
                raise err
            except StopIteration:
                return b""
            self._buffer[:] = message.value
        return bytes(self._buffer[:size])

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Closes the PFSFile and cancels the gRPC stream."""
        if hasattr(self, "_stream"):
            del self._stream

    def readable(self) -> bool:
        return not self.closed


  • io.RawIOBase
  • _io._RawIOBase
  • io.IOBase
  • _io._IOBase
  • typing.BinaryIO
  • typing.IO
  • typing.Generic


def readinto(self, buffer: WriteableBuffer) ‑> int

Read bytes into a pre-allocated writeable buffer.

Returns an int representing the number of bytes read.

Note: This method is the only method that needs to be implemented in order to support the read(), readall(), readline(), etc. methods.

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def readinto(self, buffer: "WriteableBuffer") -> int:
    """Read bytes into a pre-allocated writeable buffer.

    Returns an int representing the number of bytes read.

    Note: This method is the only method that needs to be implemented in order
      to support the read(), readall(), readline(), etc. methods.
    if self.closed:
        raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
    size = len(buffer)
    if len(self._buffer) < size:
            for message in self._stream:
                if len(self._buffer) >= size:
        except grpc.RpcError as err:
            raise err

    size = min(size, len(self._buffer))
    buffer[:size], self._buffer[:size] = self._buffer[:size], b""
    return size
def peek(self, size: int = 0) ‑> bytes

Returns bytes from the stream without advancing the read position. At most one single read on the raw stream is done to satisfy the call. The number of bytes returned may be less than requested.

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def peek(self, size: int = 0) -> bytes:
    """Returns bytes from the stream without advancing the read position.
    At most one single read on the raw stream is done to satisfy the call.
    The number of bytes returned may be less than requested."""
    if self.closed:
        raise ValueError("I/O operation on closed file.")
    if len(self._buffer) == 0:
            message = next(self._stream)
        except grpc.RpcError as err:
            raise err
        except StopIteration:
            return b""
        self._buffer[:] = message.value
    return bytes(self._buffer[:size])
def close(self) ‑> None

Closes the PFSFile and cancels the gRPC stream.

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def close(self) -> None:
    """Closes the PFSFile and cancels the gRPC stream."""
    if hasattr(self, "_stream"):
        del self._stream
def readable(self) ‑> bool

Return whether object was opened for reading.

If False, read() will raise OSError.

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def readable(self) -> bool:
    return not self.closed