Run Commands

pachctl run pps-load-test

Learn about the pachctl_run_pps-load-test command

pachctl run pps-load-test #

Run a PPS load test.

Synopsis #

This command runs a PPS load test for a specified pipeline specification file.

  • To run a load test with a specific seed, use the --seed flag
  • To run a load test with a specific parallelism count, use the --parallelism flag
  • To run a load test with a specific pod patch, use the --pod-patch flag
pachctl run pps-load-test <spec-file>  [flags]

Examples #

 pachctl run pps-load-test --dag myspec.json 
 pachctl run pps-load-test --dag myspec.json --seed 1 
 pachctl run pps-load-test --dag myspec.json  --parallelism 3 
 pachctl run pps-load-test --dag myspec.json  --pod-patch patch.json 
 pachctl run pps-load-test --dag myspec.json --state-id xyz

Options #

  -d, --dag string         Provide DAG specification file to use for the load test
  -h, --help               help for pps-load-test
  -p, --parallelism int    Set the parallelism count to use for the pipelines.
      --pod-patch string   Provide pod patch file to use for the pipelines.
  -s, --seed int           Specify the seed to use for generating the load.
      --state-id string    Provide the ID of the base state to use for the load.

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --no-color   Turn off colors.
  -v, --verbose    Output verbose logs