About #
The Global section configures the connection to the PostgreSQL database. By default, it uses the included Postgres service.
Values #
The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.
postgresqlAuthType: "md5" # sets the auth type used with postgres & pg-bounder; options include "md5" and "scram-sha-256"
postgresqlUsername: "pachyderm" # defines the username to access the pachyderm and dex databases
postgresqlExistingSecretName: "" # leave blank if using password
postgresqlExistingSecretKey: "" # leave blank if using password
postgresqlDatabase: "pachyderm" # defines the database name where pachyderm data will be stored
postgresqlHost: "postgres" # defines the postgresql database host to connect to
postgresqlPort: "5432" # defines he postgresql database port to connect to
postgresqlSSL: "disable" # defines the SSL mode used to connect pg-bouncer to postgrs
postgresqlSSLCACert: "" # defines the CA Certificate required to connect to Postgres
postgresqlSSLSecret: "" # defines the TLS Secret with cert/key to connect to Postgres
identityDatabaseFullNameOverride: "" # defines the DB name that dex connects to; defaults to "Dex"
imagePullSecrets: [] # allows you to pull images from private repositories; also added to pipeline workers
# Example:
# imagePullSecrets:
# - regcred
customCaCerts: false # loads the cert file in pachd-tls-cert as the root cert for pachd, console, and enterprise-server
proxy: "" # sets server address for outbound cluster traffic
noProxy: "" # if proxy is set, allows a comma-separated list of destinations that bypass the proxy
securityContexts: # set security context runAs users. If running on openshift, set enabled to false as openshift creates its own contexts.
enabled: true
postgresqlAuthType: "md5" # sets the auth type used with postgres & pg-bounder; options include "md5" and "scram-sha-256"
postgresqlUsername: "pachyderm" # defines the username to access the pachyderm and dex databases
postgresqlPostgresPassword: "insecure-root-password" # leave blank if using a secret
postgresqlDatabase: "pachyderm" # defines the database name where pachyderm data will be stored
postgresqlHost: "postgres" # defines the postgresql database host to connect to
postgresqlPort: "5432" # defines he postgresql database port to connect to
postgresqlSSL: "disable" # defines the SSL mode used to connect pg-bouncer to postgrs
postgresqlSSLCACert: "" # defines the CA Certificate required to connect to Postgres
postgresqlSSLSecret: "" # defines the TLS Secret with cert/key to connect to Postgres
identityDatabaseFullNameOverride: "" # defines the DB name that dex connects to; defaults to "Dex"
imagePullSecrets: [] # allows you to pull images from private repositories; also added to pipeline workers
customCaCerts: false # loads the cert file in pachd-tls-cert as the root cert for pachd, console, and enterprise-server
proxy: "" # sets server address for outbound cluster traffic
noProxy: "" # if proxy is set, allows a comma-separated list of destinations that bypass the proxy
# Set security context runAs users. If running on openshift, set enabled to false as openshift creates its own contexts
enabled: true