Run Commands

View Pipeline Jobs & Runtimes

Learn how to view pipeline runtimes from Console

You can easily view and compare pipeline jobs and job runtimes from within Console. This can be a great way to measure and compare performance across different job sizes and pipeline versions.

How to View Pipeline Jobs #

This view is great for quickly understanding how many datums were processed, if the job required restarts, and how much data was downloaded/uploaded.

  1. Log in to Console.
  2. Navigate to a project.
  3. Select Pipelines.
  4. Find and select the pipeline(s) you wish to list jobs for.

list jobs from Console


You can achieve a similar output from the terminal by using the follwing PachCTL command:

pachctl list jobs --project <project-name> --pipeline <pipeline-name>

How to View Pipeline Runtimes #

This view is great for visually comparing processing times between jobs.

  1. Log in to Console.
  2. Navigate to a project.
  3. Select Pipelines.
  4. Find and select the pipeline(s) you wish to view runtimes for.
  5. Select the Runtimes tab.

view pipeline runtimes from Console