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Learn how to set up and manage Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).

You can use Pachyderm’s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model to configure authorization for your users. Users can be assigned roles that grant certain permissions for interacting with Pachyderm’s resources.

Before You Start #

You must set up a DNS address used for Pachyderm; this can be a URL or an IP address, but it must be accessible from the internet.

Enable Authorization #

The following steps will enable authorization for your Pachyderm cluster and use the mockIDP connector. By default, the mockIDP connector comes with a default root user admin with the password password. To use additional connectors, complete these steps and then see the Connectors page.

  1. Obtain an Enterprise license.
  2. Create a secret for your license.
kubectl create secret generic enterprise-license \
  --from-literal=enterprise-license-key=<your license key>
  1. Add the secret name to it to your values.yaml file at pachd.enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName.
  2. Update the field in your values.yaml file with your DNS address.

If is not set, Pachyderm will not be able to redirect users to the login page. localhost is not a valid value for when using the mockIDP connector.

  1. Run the helm upgrade command (or helm install if you are installing Pachyderm for the first time).
    helm install pachyderm/pachyderm -f values.yaml
  2. Connect using pachctl connect <host>, where <host> is the value of in your values.yaml file.
  3. Log via the browser or by using pachctl auth login. You will be redirected to the login page.

License Expiration #

When an Enterprise License expires, a Pachyderm cluster with enabled User Access Management goes into an admin-only state. In this state, only ClusterAdmins have access to the data stored in Pachyderm. This safety measure keeps sensitive data protected, even when an enterprise subscription becomes stale. To return the cluster to its previous state, run pachctl license activate and submit your new code.

Users Types #

Pachyderm has 5 user types:

User TypeDescription
IdP UserAny user or group of users authenticated by your Identity Provider to access Pachyderm.
Robot UserA Service account used for third party applications/systems integrating with Pachyderm APIs/Clients.
Pipeline UserAn internal Service Account used for Pipelines when interacting with Pachyderm resources.
All Cluster UsersA general subject that represents everyone who has logged in to a cluster.

Pachyderm defines 4 prefixes depending on the type of user:

Aditionnally, the “everyone” user allClusterUsers has no specific prefix. See the example below to learn how to assign repoReader access to allClusterUsers on a repo.

Resource Types #

Pachyderm has 3 resource types:

Resource TypeDescription
ClusterA set of nodes for running containerized applications. Containers allow users to run repeatable and standardized code.
ProjectA project is a container of 1 or more DAGs that allows for users to organize their repos. Projects allow multiple teams to work in a cluster.
RepoA repository is where data is stored and contains both files and folders. Repos tracks all changes to the data and creates a history of data changes.

Role Types #

Pachyderm has 3 role types:

Role TypeDescription
Cluster RolesGranted at the cluster level.
Project RolesGranted at the project level.
Repo RolesGranted at the repo level or at the cluster level.