Run Commands

Pachctl start commit

pachctl start commit #

Start a new commit.

Synopsis #

Start a new commit with parent-commit as the parent on the given branch; if the branch does not exist, it will be created.

pachctl start commit <repo>@<branch> [flags]

Examples #

# Start a commit in repo "test" on branch "master"
$ pachctl start commit test@master

# Start a commit with "master" as the parent in repo "test", on a new branch "patch"; essentially a fork.
$ pachctl start commit test@patch -p master

# Start a commit with XXX as the parent in repo "test" on the branch "fork"
$ pachctl start commit test@fork -p XXX

Options #

      --description string   A description of this commit's contents (synonym for --message)
  -h, --help                 help for commit
  -m, --message string       A description of this commit's contents
  -p, --parent string        The parent of the new commit, unneeded if branch is specified and you want to use the previous head of the branch as the parent.
      --project string       Project in which repo is located. (default "openCV")

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --no-color   Turn off colors.
  -v, --verbose    Output verbose logs