Run Commands

Pachctl get file

pachctl get file #

Return the contents of a file.

Synopsis #

Return the contents of a file.

pachctl get file <repo>@<branch-or-commit>:<path/in/pfs> [flags]

Examples #

# get a single file "XXX" on branch "master" in repo "foo"
$ pachctl get file foo@master:XXX

# get file "XXX" in the parent of the current head of branch "master"
# in repo "foo"
$ pachctl get file foo@master^:XXX

# get file "XXX" in the grandparent of the current head of branch "master"
# in repo "foo"
$ pachctl get file foo@master^2:XXX

# get file "test[].txt" on branch "master" in repo "foo"
# the path is interpreted as a glob pattern: quote and protect regex characters
$ pachctl get file 'foo@master:/test\[\].txt'

# get all files under the directory "XXX" on branch "master" in repo "foo"
$ pachctl get file foo@master:XXX -r

Options #

  -h, --help             help for file
      --offset int       The number of bytes in the file to skip ahead when reading.
  -o, --output string    The path where data will be downloaded.
      --progress         {true|false} Whether or not to print the progress bars. (default true)
      --project string   Project in which repo is located. (default "openCV")
  -r, --recursive        Download multiple files, or recursively download a directory.
      --retry            {true|false} Whether to append the missing bytes to an existing file. No-op if the file doesn't exist.

Options inherited from parent commands #

      --no-color   Turn off colors.
  -v, --verbose    Output verbose logs