About #
Console is the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Pachyderm. Users that would prefer to navigate and manage through their project resources visually can connect to Console by authenticating against your configured OIDC. For personal-machine installations of Pachyderm, a user may access Console without authentication via localhost.
Values #
The following section contains a series of tabs for commonly used configurations for this section of your values.yml Helm chart.
enabled: true # deploys Console UI
annotations: {}
image: # defines which image to use for the console; replicates the --console-image & --registry arguments to pachctl
repository: "pachyderm/haberdashery" # defines image repo location
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
tag: "2.3.3-1" # defines the image repo to pull from
priorityClassName: ""
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
podLabels: {} # specifies labels to add to the console pod.
resources: # specifies the resource request and limits; unset by default.
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
config: # defines primary configuration settings, including authentication.
reactAppRuntimeIssuerURI: "" # defines the pachd oauth address accessible to outside clients.
oauthRedirectURI: "" # defines the oauth callback address within console that the pachd oauth service would redirect to.
oauthClientID: "console" # defines the client identifier for the Console with pachd
oauthClientSecret: "" # defines the secret configured for the client with pachd; if blank, autogenerated.
oauthClientSecretSecretName: "" # uses the value of an existing k8s secret by pulling from the `OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET` key.
graphqlPort: 4000 # defines the http port that the console service will be accessible on.
pachdAddress: "pachd-peer:30653"
disableTelemetry: false # disables analytics and error data collection
annotations: {}
labels: {} # specifies labels to add to the console service.
type: ClusterIP # specifies the Kubernetes type of the console service; default is `ClusterIP`.
enabled: true # deploys Console UI
annotations: {}
image: # defines which image to use for the console; replicates the --console-image & --registry arguments to pachctl
repository: "pachyderm/haberdashery" # defines image repo location
pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
tag: "2.3.3-1" # defines the image repo to pull from
priorityClassName: ""
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
podLabels: {} # specifies labels to add to the console pod.
resources: # specifies the resource request and limits; unset by default.
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
config: # defines primary configuration settings, including authentication.
reactAppRuntimeIssuerURI: "" # defines the pachd oauth address accessible to outside clients.
oauthRedirectURI: "" # defines the oauth callback address within console that the pachd oauth service would redirect to.
oauthClientID: "console" # defines the client identifier for the Console with pachd
oauthClientSecret: "" # defines the secret configured for the client with pachd; if blank, autogenerated.
oauthClientSecretSecretName: "" # uses the value of an existing k8s secret by pulling from the `OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET` key.
graphqlPort: 4000 # defines the http port that the console service will be accessible on.
pachdAddress: "pachd-peer:30653"
disableTelemetry: true # disables analytics and error data collection
annotations: {}
labels: {} # specifies labels to add to the console service.
type: ClusterIP # specifies the Kubernetes type of the console service; default is `ClusterIP`.
enabled: false